Results for 'M. Clément de Paillette'

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  1.  45
    Téléphone arabe.Clément de Gaulejac & M. A. Reinhardt - 2015 - Substance 44 (2):151-157.
    “In France, we say ‘an angel passes by;’ in Spain, ‘a Bishop is born;’ in Portugal, ‘a poet is dead.’ I’m glad that I could place a long silence in one of my films.”In French, the expression “téléphone arabe” has two meanings: 1) An oral communication and, furthermore, a rumor or unreliable information; 2) A kid’s game which consists of whispering a word to one another in a circle: the first person whispers a phrase in the ear of the second, (...)
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    Física cuántica para filo-sofos.Alberto Clemente de la Torre - 1992 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    En un estilo claro, despojado de t rminos t cnicos, Alberto Clemente de la Torre traza un recorrido por los principales t picos de la f sica cu ntica destinados a todos aquellos que quieren descubrir uno de los temas m s sugerentes de la ciencia contempor nea, sin exigirles Para ello conocimientos previos.
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    La Peur chez les Grecs. Usages et représentations de l’Antiquité à l’ère chrétienne.Adeline Grand-Clément - 2023 - Kernos 36:278-282.
    L’ouvrage est issu d’un colloque qui s’est tenu à Athènes en septembre 2017 et portait sur l’anthropologie de la peur dans la culture hellénique. Un tel objet de recherche s’inscrit dans le sillage d’une histoire des émotions particulièrement dynamique dans le champ des études anciennes (les travaux de D. Konstan, A. Chaniotis et Ph. Borgeaud sont abondamment mobilisés dans les différents chapitres et une bibliographie d’orientation figure à la fin du livre). L’introduction, rédigée par M. Pa...
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    Michel Henry lecteur de Nietzsche ou le dépassement de l’hellénisme.Clément Berthot - 2016 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 7:133-149.
    Cette recherche apporte des repères majeurs pour mieux saisir la place de Nietzsche dans une phénoménologie de la vie, tout en éclairant le rapport des deux philosophes à la Grèce et au christianisme. Si Nietzsche est tout particulièrement l’auteur qui sert de point d’appui à M. Henry pour remettre en question l’approche grecque de la phénoménalité, c’est parce que le philosophe allemand incarne précisément le retour à la Grèce tragique de l’époque archaïque, si bien que l’exception que ce dernier représente (...)
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    Knowledge of the Individual. Riddell Memorial Lectures by W. G. de Burgh, M.A., F. B. A., (London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford. 1939. Pp. 60. Price 2s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]Clement C. J. Webb - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (56):490-.
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    Emanuel Kienzle: Der Lobpreis von Städten und Ländern in der älteren griechischen Dichtung. Pp. 107. Kallmunz: printed by M. Lassleben, 1936. Paper. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (06):239-.
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    Evolutionary Views of Tuberculosis: Indoleamine 2,3‐Dioxygenase Catalyzed Nicotinamide Synthesis Reflects Shifts in Macrophage Metabolism. [REVIEW]Melinda S. Suchard, Clement G. Adu-Gyamfi, Bridgette M. Cumming & Dana M. Savulescu - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (5):1900220.
    Indoleamine 2,3‐dioxygenase (IDO) is the rate‐limiting enzyme in conversion of tryptophan to kynurenines, feeding de novo nicotinamide synthesis. IDO orchestrates materno‐foetal tolerance, increasing human reproductive fitness. IDO mediates immune suppression through depletion of tryptophan required by T lymphocytes and other mechanisms. IDO is expressed by alternatively activated macrophages, suspected to play a key role in tuberculosis (TB) pathogenesis. Unlike its human host, Mycobacterium tuberculosis can synthesize tryptophan, suggesting possible benefit to the host from infection with the microbe. Intriguingly, nicotinamide analogues (...)
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    J.-M. Clément, O.S.B., Lexique des anciennes règles monastiques occidentals. Steenbrugge: St-Pietersabdij; The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1978. 2 vols. . Paper. Pp. xviii, 1335. [REVIEW]Giles Constable - 1979 - Speculum 54 (4):882.
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  9. Le "Clément d'Alexandrie" de M. Eugène de Faye.L. Thomas - 1899 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 32 (5):427.
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  10. Clements . The Mystical Poetry of Thomas Traherne. [REVIEW]M. Burgess - 1971 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 49 (2):559-563.
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    Clément d'Alexandrie, Les Stromates. Stromate V. Tome I: Introduction texte critique et index par A. Le Boulluec, traduction de P. Voulet. Tome II: Commentaire, bibliographie et index par A. Le Boulluec. [REVIEW]M. Simonetti - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (3):593-594.
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  12. Platonic resurgences in the theological thought of Fenelon: Le'Gnostique de Saint Clement d'Alexandrie'.M. Simon - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 128 (2):211-232.
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  13. TH. CAMELOT, "Foi et Gnose. Introduction à l'étude de la connaisance mystique chez Clément d'Alexandire". [REVIEW]M. F. Sciacca - 1948 - Giornale di Metafisica 3 (3):253.
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    Towards an Anthropological Perspective on Human Flourishing in Education.James Arthur, David M. Goodman & Matthew Clemente - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
  15.  17
    Médiations et réalités : analyse d'une année de médiation dans une association.Jean-Luc Viaux & Annie Paillette - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 170 (4):53-64.
    Les auteurs ont étudié les médiations réalisées dans le cadre d’une association, durant une année, en dirigeant leur recherche sur les attentes des parents séparés, et les motifs et conditions de mise en place de la médiation. La moitié de ces médiations sont imposées par le juge aux Affaires familiales, mais cependant ce n’est pas le fait qu’elle soit ordonnée ou le choix volontaire d’une médiation qui permettent la réussite de ce processus, mais bien l’adhésion des personnes qui viennent. Une (...)
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    Readymades, Monochromes, Etc.: Nominalism and the Paradox of Modernism.J. M. Bernstein - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (1):83-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Readymades, Monochromes, Etc.:Nominalism and the Paradox of ModernismJ. M. Bernstein (bio)If Schopenhauer's thesis of art as an image of the world once over bears a kernel of truth, then it does so only insofar as this second world is composed out of elements that have been transposed out of the empirical world in accord with Jewish descriptions of the messianic order as an order just like the habitual order (...)
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    Excavations at Olynthus.Alfred R. Bellinger, David M. Robinson & Paul Augustus Clement - 1940 - American Journal of Philology 61 (1):102.
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    The influence of the study of medicine on Clément Juglar's first take on the economic cycle, 1846-1862.Ludovic Frobert & Omar Hamouda - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Dans son rapport verbal sur Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis pendant le 19e siècle, Louis Wolowski soulignait les analogies entre « corps social » et « organisme de l'homme ». Il poursuivait, que le corps social « a ses maladies, et il doit avoir son hygiène. Cette hygiène a ses règles et ses lois, et M. le docteur Juglar a su très habilement les exposer ». Depuis lors, l'influence des idées (...)
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  19. Spontaneous Alpha and Theta Oscillations Are Related to Complementary Aspects of Cognitive Control in Younger and Older Adults.Grace M. Clements, Daniel C. Bowie, Mate Gyurkovics, Kathy A. Low, Monica Fabiani & Gabriele Gratton - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The resting-state human electroencephalogram power spectrum is dominated by alpha and theta oscillations, and also includes non-oscillatory broadband activity inversely related to frequency. Gratton proposed that alpha and theta oscillations are both related to cognitive control function, though in a complementary manner. Alpha activity is hypothesized to facilitate the maintenance of representations, such as task sets in preparation for expected task conditions. In contrast, theta activity would facilitate changes in representations, such as the updating of task sets in response to (...)
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    misReading Nietzsche.M. Saverio Clemente & Bryan J. Cocchiara (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Perhaps more than any philosophy written in the past few centuries, the work of Friedrich Nietzsche has given rise to controversy, misunderstanding, and dissent. Today Nietzsche is remembered as the revolutionary author of such polemical ideas as the death of God, the revaluation of values, the will to untruth, and the Übermensch. Yet is Nietzsche’s philosophy as atheistic, relativistic, nihilistic, and immoral as some commentators have claimed? Or ought we perhaps to give more credence to Nietzsche’s own assertion that one (...)
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    The Power of Kiowa Song: A Collaborative Ethnography.William M. Clements - 2000 - Anthropology of Consciousness 11 (3-4):62-63.
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  22. Determinism and uniformitarianism in science vs. Aton Forest: transcript of the first Aton Forest Forum, October 28, 1995.M. W. Lefor & Roland C. Clement (eds.) - 1996 - Norfolk, Conn.: Aton Forest.
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  23. Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind.Matthew M. Hurley, Daniel Clement Dennett & Reginald B. Adams - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Why do we spend so much of our time passing on amusing anecdotes, making wisecracks,watching The Simpsons? In Inside Jokes, Matthew Hurley, DanielDennett, and Reginald Adams offer an evolutionary and cognitive perspective.
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    Effects of Mindfulness Training on Sleep Problems in Patients With Fibromyalgia.Alberto Amutio, Clemente Franco, Laura C. Sánchez-Sánchez, María del C. Pérez-Fuentes, José J. Gázquez-Linares, William Van Gordon & María del M. Molero-Jurado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Grace A. Clement, Joshua M. Glasgow, Melissa M. Seymour, Doran Smolkin & Lori Watson - 2005 - Ethics 115 (4):854-858.
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    Modulators of the Personal and Professional Threat Perception of Olympic Athletes in the Actual COVID-19 Crisis.Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, Ricardo de la Vega Marcos & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27. Étienne Balibar, Equaliberty: Political Essays, translated by James IngramÉtienne Balibar, Violence and Civility: On the Limits of Political Philosophy, translated by G.M. Goshgarian.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2018 - Derrida Today 11 (2):230-237.
    This essay examines Étienne Balibar's readings of Jacques Derrida and deconstruction. The text is framed as a review of two books by Balibar: 'Equaliberty' and 'Violence and Civility'. After describing the context of those readings, I propose a broader reflection on the ambiguous relationship between 'post-Marxism' and 'deconstruction', focusing on concepts such as 'violence', 'cruelty', 'sovereignty' and 'property'. I also raise methodological questions related to the 'use' of deconstructive notions in political theory debates.
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    Sensorimotor Learning during a Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality.Hrishikesh M. Rao, Rajan Khanna, David J. Zielinski, Yvonne Lu, Jillian M. Clements, Nicholas D. Potter, Marc A. Sommer, Regis Kopper & Lawrence G. Appelbaum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302766.
    Sensorimotor learning refers to improvements that occur through practice in the performance of sensory-guided motor behaviors. Leveraging novel technical capabilities of an immersive virtual environment, we probed the component kinematic processes that mediate sensorimotor learning. Twenty naïve subjects performed a simulated marksmanship task modeled after Olympic Trap Shooting standards. We measured movement kinematics and shooting performance as participants practiced 350 trials while receiving trial-by-trial feedback about shooting success. Spatiotemporal analysis of motion tracking elucidated the ballistic and refinement phases of hand (...)
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    Development of a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy: An international key stakeholder consensus study.Liam J. Convie, Joshua M. Clements, Scott McCain, Jeffrey Campbell, Stephen J. Kirk & Mike Clarke - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background 300 million operations and procedures are performed annually across the world, all of which require a patient’s informed consent. No standardised measure of the consent process exists in current clinical practice. We aimed to define a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy. Methods The core outcome set was developed in accordance with a predefined research protocol and the Core OutcoMes in Effectiveness Trials methodology comprising systematic review, qualitative semi structured interviews, a modified Delphi process and consensus webinars (...)
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    Quantification of Respiratory and Muscular Perceived Exertions as Perceived Measures of Internal Loads During Domestic and Overseas Training Camps in Elite Futsal Players.Yu-Xian Lu, Filipe M. Clemente, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Shih-Chung Cheng, Chia-Hua Chien, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Yung-Sheng Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe rating of perceived exertion scales with respiratory and muscular illustrations are recognized as simple and practical methods to understand individual psychometric characteristics in breathing and muscle exertion during exercise. However, the implementation of respiratory and muscular RPE to quantify training load in futsal training camps has not been examined. This study investigates respiratory and muscular RPE relationships during domestic training camps and overseas training camps in an under 20 futsal national team.MethodsData collected from eleven field players were used for (...)
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    An introduction to philosophy.Clement M. P. Oniang'O. - 1994 - Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers.
  32.  21
    Quantifying professionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Chi-Yeung Choi, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe process of peer-review in academia has attracted criticism surrounding issues of bias, fairness, and professionalism; however, frequency of occurrence of such comments is unknown.MethodsWe evaluated 1491 sets of reviewer comments from the fields of “Ecology and Evolution” and “Behavioural Medicine,” of which 920 were retrieved from the online review repository Publons and 571 were obtained from six early career investigators. Comment sets were coded for the occurrence of “unprofessional comments” and “incomplete, inaccurate or unsubstantiated critiques” using an a-prior rubric (...)
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    Re-evaluation of solutions to the problem of unprofessionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Chi-Yeung Choi, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    Our recent paper reported that 43% of reviewer comment sets shared with authors contained at least one unprofessional comment or an incomplete, inaccurate of unsubstantiated critique. Publication of this work sparked an online conversation surrounding professionalism in peer review. We collected and analyzed these social media comments as they offered real-time responses to our work and provided insight into the views held by commenters and potential peer-reviewers that would be difficult to quantify using existing empirical tools. Overall, 75% of comments (...)
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    Decorrelated movements of Shockley partial dislocations in the γ-phase channels of nickel-based superalloys at intermediate temperature.S. Raujol, M. Benyoucef, D. Locq, P. Caron, F. Pettinari, N. Clement & A. Coujou - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (9):1189-1200.
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  35. Isaiah 40-66.R. N. Whybray, R. E. Clements & M. Black - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (1):121-122.
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    Foucault and Brown: Disciplinary Intersections.Niki Kasumi Clements - 2022 - Foucault Studies 32:1-27.
    From the 1981 “Sexuality and Solitude” to the 1982 “Le combat de la chasteté” to the 1984 History of Sexuality, Volume 2, Michel Foucault’s published works have long recognized the influence of the historian of late antiquity, Peter Brown. With the 2018 publication of Foucault’s draft of Les Aveux de la chair (Confessions of the Flesh) bearing no mention of Brown, the depth of this influence requires further elaboration. Despite Brown not appearing in the “Index of Modern Authors,” Confessions of (...)
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    Hacia un nuevo Laocoonte.Clement Greenberg - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):19-39.
    El modernismo es una teoría de la relación del arte con su medio, y en ningún lugar se ve esto más claro que en el pensamiento de Clement Greenberg. Greenberg fue probablemente el crítico de arte más influyente del siglo xx, uno de los responsables del reconocimiento del impresionismo abstracto y de la pintura de campos de color, así como del desplazamiento del centro del mundo del arte desde París a Nueva York. Su práctica como crítico de arte estaba, además, (...)
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    Faits divers.Clément Rosset, Nicolas Delon & Santiago Espinosa - 2013 - Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. Edited by Nicolas Delon & Santiago E. Espinosa.
    Gilles Deleuze, les vampires, Emil Cioran, Samuel Beckett, le dandysme, Friedrich Nietzsche, Raymond Roussel, Casanova, Arthur Schopenhauer, Jean-Luc Godard, Goscinny & Uderzo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Le réel, le double, l’illusion, le tragique, la joie, la musique, la philosophie, la politique, le péché, l’enseignement. Faits divers sont les miscellanées de Clément Rosset : le répertoire désordonné et jubilatoire de ses passions et de ses dégoûts, de ses intérêts et de ses bâillements, de ses tocades et de ses coups (...)
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    Ciência e transcendência: duas lições a aprender.Clemente Ivo Juliatto - 2012 - Curitiba: Champagnat.
    Para o autor, o tema das relações entre ciência e espiritualidade merece renovado espaço ante o grande público e, não menor, no ambiente escolar ou familiar. Para ele, pessoas sábias, e não apenas letradas, partem para a aventura de desbravar tanto o mundo exterior da ciência quanto o mundo interior do espírito humano. Clemente acredita que na sociedade do conhecimento e da informação em que se vive, aprendem-se tantas coisas, muitas das quais de parco sentido e propósito. Mas é preciso (...)
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    L’arme alimentaire jalons pour l’histoire d’un concept ( xvii e - xix e siècles).Alain Clément - 2018 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 18 (2):103-130.
    L’accès à la nourriture est le premier besoin de l’humanité et l’arme alimentaire correspond à l’ensemble des moyens mis en œuvre pour affamer volontairement une population. Quand un pays dispose du monopole d’exportation d’une denrée agricole essentielle ou d’une position dominante sur le marché d’une telle denrée, il peut utiliser ses moyens de gestion et de stockage pour exercer des pressions politiques sur les pays importateurs de cette denrée. L’arme alimentaire est donc un pouvoir mortel qu’un ou plusieurs exportateurs de (...)
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  41.  24
    Ethical Supernaturalism and the Problem of Evil.Clement Dore - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):97 - 113.
    Consider the following argument for the non-existence of God: Some men are morally reprehensible for failing to perform certain actions, e.g. actions of abolishing suffering which is destructive of character. Concentrate, for simplicity, just on actions of this latter sort. If there is an omnipotent and omniscient being, then he, too, fails to perform actions of this sort, and, hence, he is also morally reprehensible unless some such difference obtains between him and the men mentioned in as his being unable (...)
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    Veridiction and juridiction in Confessions of the Flesh.Niki Kasumi Clements - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):809-819.
    In an archived draft at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Foucault describes two questions haunting him since 1963: “Why are we obliged to tell the truth about ourselves? Which truth?” Foucault poses these two questions in 1980 in drafts for his lectures at the University of California, Berkeley, and I see in these two questions two argumentative threads that weave through Foucault's changing History of Sexuality series over his last decade. These two threads correspond to the dimorphism Foucault frames in (...)
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    Liberalismo, conservadurismo y feminismo: perspectivas teóricas sobre el cuidado en América Latina.Clemente Segovia Mendoza & Catalina Valdés Blanchemin - 2023 - Revista Ethika+ 7:91-117.
    En América Latina se ha levantado la demanda del reconocimiento de las labores de cuidado. Este artículo argumenta que el feminismo decolonial, en contraposición al liberalismo y al conservadurismo, ofrece el mejor sustento teórico para darle fundamento a esta demanda. Mientras que el liberalismo y el conservadurismo, como consecuencia de sus perspectivas teóricas, relegan los cuidados al ámbito privado, el feminismo decolonial entrega herramientas teóricas y metodológicas que permitirían generar reflexiones más completas respecto a cómo el cuidado se enmarca dentro (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Le comité d'éthique, la vie privée et l'intimité. Interpréter les droits des usagers.Michèle Clément & Éric Gagnon - 2013 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 8 (1):70-90.
    Le respect de la vie privée et de l’intimité est un droit reconnu aux usagers des services de santé et des services sociaux par différents codes d’éthique, par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec et par la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux. Pour autant, la signification que prend ce droit demeure incertaine. Il n’y a pas une signification, mais bien des significations. S’appuyant sur un important travail d’observation dans deux comités (...)
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    From Platonic Gesture to the Theory of Discourses. On Some Unplublished Notes by Badiou on Philosophical Discourse.Giacomo Clemente - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):29-50.
    This article will examine some theses that Badiou developed in the first period of his philosophy, when he was close to the theoretical horizon of Althusserianism. The article traces a route back from the Manifesto for Philosophy to some yet unpublished notes, dating from the late Sixties, on an aborted collective project on materialist philosophy. While, according to the later Badiou – who is also the most well-known – contemporary philosophical discourse should recover the Platonic gesture after Heidegger, it will (...)
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    Antwort auf den Nihilismus: die philosophische Theologie von Wilhelm Weischedel.Hans Clement - 2010 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Ohne Ubertreibung kann man sagen, dass der Philosoph Wilhelm Friedrich Weischedel - ein Schuler Martin Heideggers - im Problem des Nihilismus, d.h. des Todes Gottes und des damit verbundenen Sinn- und Seinsverlusts, die tiefste Herausforderung des Denkens sah. Vor allem seine Philosophische Theologie entfaltet dieses Grundproblem. Uber verschiedene denkerische Schritte gelangt er zu einer ihm plausibel erscheinenden Antwort auf den Nihilismus, zum Gott der Philosophen. Diese Schritte aber wurden Gegenstand heftiger Kontroversen. Sowohl theologische wie auch philosophische Kritiker haben sie abgelehnt. (...)
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    Björklund‘s “Death and Resurrection”.Joseph Clements - 1910 - The Monist 20 (4):630-632.
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  48. Contraction of text-theoretical and practical problems.L. Clement - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 39 (155):413-433.
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    119. Die Dichtung der neuen Generation.Frantz Clement - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand, Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 181-182.
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    (1 other version)Electronic publishing and concentration of ownership: How they benefit the entire book trade (Cause for Debate – 5).John Clement - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12 (3):145-147.
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